“If you’re desperate and needy, you’ll repel money.”

I heard a coach say this on a livestream the other day and was like, “Are you fucking serious?”⁣

I used to believe this.

I used to think that if I wasn’t happy all the time that money wouldn’t flow to me. It would be repelled.

Now I realize that is an absolute load of bullshit and an unhealthy way to explain energy alignment.

Way to make people who are healing their money stories feel even more like shit, coaches!

Let’s get REAL logical for a moment.

Is money human?⁣

Is it your ex?⁣

Does it have a brain?

Does it have a conscience?⁣

No it fucking doesn’t!⁣

⁣It’s paper! It’s plastic! It’s metal! It’s data!⁣

Money is NOT discriminatory or selective. It doesn’t have an agenda, it doesn’t have an opinion of you, it doesn’t decide who it will go to and who it won’t. It doesn’t have a preference of race or gender.⁣

Money simply goes to those who choose to take it and claim it. It doesn’t matter if you’re desperate or not.⁣

What matters is which vibe you are in, and when you’re feeling desperate and needy you are in the vibe of “I don’t have it yet.” That’s all. And all you’ve got to do is shift into “It’s already here.” That’s it. THAT’S FUCKING IT.⁣

There’s no need to create MORE anxiety, stress and worry about it and send people down a damn rabbit hole of guilt and shame about how they feel.

That annoys the shit out of me when coaches do that.


It’s already yours.

You deserve as much money as you want.

You’re worthy of money no matter what.

It gets to be easy.

You get to have overflow.

No matter how you feel, it’s yours.

It’s already done!

And anyone who tells you that it’s harder than this clearly doesn’t know WTF they’re talking about.

Rant over.

Elise McDowell