It’s the weekend!!!

And I’ve got a BOMB ASS journal exercise for you!

It’s all about writing your story like it already happened and sharing how you got to where you are today.

And where you are today is in the exact place you’re trying to get to now. i.e You desire to have $50k months so you write your story as if you’ve already achieved that.

So here’s what you want to do:

1. Write your title or heading i.e How I Became A $50k Month Business Woman etc..

2. Then feel into the energy of that first. What does it feel like to already be making your desired income every month? How does it feel in your body?

3. Amplify those feelings as much as you can so you’re fully in the energy of HAVING your desire, and then start writing.

4. Write everything that comes to you about how you became a rich and wealthy babe. Don’t filter, don’t pause and don’t second guess yourself. Get it all out. Let the stream of consciousness flow.

5. What you now have is your blueprint to getting there.

Isn’t that cool!?

Have fun!

Elise McDowell