You’ve probably heard me say this many times before..

You can’t permanently fix internal problems with external solutions.

People who tell you – more like scold you – for not paying off your debt and not saving money like “you’re supposed to” probably mean well but they’re only focusing on the surface problem, not the root cause.

Paying off debt, saving funds and having a healthy relationship with money comes when there is a change in behaviour and interaction towards money.

It is an INSIDE JOB.

I remember all those years ago when I would berate myself for having debt and I’d be completely baffled at why I couldn’t pay it off and why I never had savings.

It was hard enough to just keep money in my bank accounts let alone use it to put myself in a better position financially.

My mindset around money was ALWAYS “there is never enough” and guess what? There never was! Money would leave my account as soon as I’d received it, I honestly couldn’t tell you where the money went, I was oblivious to my inner beliefs and habits about money, but I unconsciously made sure I lived up to them every time.

But as I started to do the money mindset work, as I uncovered my origin money story and all the bullshit beliefs I had about money and learned to process, work through, shift and clear them, the more my behaviour with money started to change.

Suddenly I had the desire to start making payments to my credit cards and I automate weekly payments to my savings account.

Then I’d have the desire to slap a bigger chunk down on the debt and increase my weekly savings payments.

And then once I’d paid off one credit card I’d add the amount I was paying on that every month to my savings payments.

And I was DELIGHTED to do it. I didn’t feel like I was forcing myself to do any of it. It was so effortless and natural because it had become a true desire.

That’s what happens when you heal the source.

No forcing, shaming, restricting was required and yet permanent change was created.

In this video, I answered a question from a lovely lady who asked why when she received a large amount of money, instead of paying off debt, she spent the money on other things. Watch below:

In my membership, The Rich Babe Society, we dive deep into the underlying feelings, beliefs and behaviours around debt and we clear all the pain and dysfunction to enable a healed, clean and empowered relationship with debt and money through the methods of abundance circles, meditation, EFT, visualization, journaling and live classes. If you’d like help with that, make come and join us!

Now it’s your turn: What beliefs do you have about debt? And do you think they serve you?

Elise McDowell