Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt guilt or shame about having debt.. 🙋🏻‍♀️

Keep your hand raised if whenever it came to actually confronting your overdrafts and bills around your credit card you would metaphorically bury your head in the sand..

And again keep it raised if you STILL do that today..

I’m grateful to say that I’m not in that boat anymore and I’ve moved out of it with joy and ease.

But as if I was just gonna leave you out of the loop!

In today’s episode I’m sharing with you how you can transform those thoughts and feelings or shame and guilt into an empowering new way of looking at your debt!

I swear, once I started looking at my debt in this way it completely changed how I look at it. I even love my debt now!

Here’s what you’ll learn in this Happy Wealth episode:

  • Why debt isn’t good or bad
  • My credit card story and how I ignored my debt for years
  • Why paying off your credit card can be an act of self-love
  • The new empowering way to look at your debt (and love it!)
  • How to shift your beliefs about your debt today

Let’s go!



Elise McDowell