You are worthy of wealth.

I know you know that, but do you really believe it?

I mean believe it as much as you believe you will wake up tomorrow?

Because when we get down to the heart of it, most people don’t believe they are worthy.

Deep down they think it’s greedy or selfish to want more, that others will go without, that you have to sacrifice to get it, that it will be taken from you, that you’re not responsible enough to have it, that you’ll be judged and abandoned and that you’re just not good enough.

But is that absolute truth?

Of course it isn’t!

Just because you believe you’re not worthy doesn’t mean you aren’t. You don’t have to keep telling the same story. You decide how it gets to be from here on out.

Do you want to continue believing the story you’re telling yourself? Or do you want try something new and move into a different reality? If it’s the latter, I can get on board with that!

Self-love and mindset work is what’s needed here (and lots of it). Because if you didn’t know this already, worthiness doesn’t come from someone or something else. It comes from within. And once you believe it, watch how your life transforms before your eyes.

Sending you so much love,

Elise McDowell