You know, a lot of people are afraid that money will change them or that they’ll become greedy and deceitful.

Here’s the truth: money amplifies the person you are. It magnifies your heart.

In my 20s I truly believed I was selfish because I didn’t like sharing my money. I didn’t feel good giving it away. I grew up around generous people and so this made me feel worse.

All the personal development books said that you become wealthier the more you start tithing but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

My stomach always felt like a knot at the thought of it and I felt so guilty and so ashamed of myself. What the hell was wrong with me!?

Fast forward to a year into my business when I’d done a lot of work on my mindset around money and I was now making a full-time income. I watched as I started to change.

The more money I made, the fuller I felt. The more I started trusting, the more I allowed my heart to lead. The more I felt taken care of, the more generous I became.

I watched myself give away my money happily and joyfully to people who needed it, I watched myself contribute to causes and charities I believed in, I watched myself invest in my friends and their businesses, I watched myself give freely out of the kindness of my heart.

I watched myself become the person I always was.

I was never selfish. I was in survival. I was in scarcity mode. I held on tight to my money because I didn’t feel safe enough to give it. I didn’t feel taken care of. My cup wasn’t full so how could I fill others?

If you can relate, please don’t feel ashamed. Instead, work through your money stuff. Feel free to use my free resources (password: HappyWealth), read my posts, listen to my podcast ‘Happy Wealth‘ or join my free Facebook Group and seek out the information that will help you change it all.

It will liberate you from your guilt and elevate the purity in your heart.

Because when we make more money, we have a stronger impact on the economical growth and stability of the world.

We invest our money in others, we give more to charities, we empower ourselves, we set examples and we raise others up.

There is only GOOD that comes from us having more money.

You are always worthy of more money.

You are always deserving of more money.

Don’t for a second think you’re not.

Elise McDowell