So you know I love me some affirmations and money mantras!

I recite those things every single day for many different areas of my life (but always for money because #richismyvibe).

Over the last few months I’ve seen a lot of requests for affirmations like these so I’m bringing you some of my FAAAAAAVORITE money mantras for attracting aligned customers and clients to you!

I use these mantras any time I feel like a boost in zoning in on attracting the specific customers I want in my programs. This is a great way to get really clear about the specific type of people you want to work with and it helps you to become an energetic match to them.

I always recommend incorporating them into your daily practice with emotion to get the full benefit of their effects. But it’s entirely up to you how you use them.

Have fun and get manifesting those dream clients and customers!

Elise McDowell