I remember the moment I truly felt rich, and it wasn’t when you would imagine it to have been.

I’d been practicing the feeling and the vibration of “rich” consistently for over a year.

My income had already drastically increased, I had savings, emergency, retirement accounts AND an investment portfolio – all things I NEVER had before – I’d already bought my dream car and I was renting my $1.2 million dollar townhouse in Auckland.

But the realization still hadn’t kicked in yet.

It wasn’t until I was back home visiting Mum that it hit me.

We were walking over to my Grandmothers house for afternoon tea when I was thinking, ‘Man money is just so easy now, I never thought I’d get here’ and all of a sudden I looked at Mum and said, “Oh my god, Mum, I’m actually rich now! I don’t know why I’m only just realizing that!”

It had finally fully integrated, energetically and physically.

I had become the thing I was practicing being for over a year.

This is what it means to embody the vibe. You do it until it happens (and even sometimes after it’s happened because you didn’t quite notice that it had 😅).

If you’re stuck on how to feel rich, I filmed a short video for you on how I got into the feeling of rich and how you can too to help you embody the vibe and draw the reality to you.

Don’t forget, the most important thing is repetition.

If you want it, you have to keep doing it until it’s here.

That’s why I created The Rich Babe Society, to help you not only learn but to apply the techniques and methods to creating the rich and wealthy life and business you want. Members are having so much success now that they’re part of a community and have me on their team. I’d love for you to experience this too, come over and check out the membership and see if it’s the right fit for you.

I’d love to know what a full bank account feels like to you, make sure you share that in the comment section under the video!


Elise McDowell