Serious question, have you been linking your self-worth and net-worth together?

I have seen so many online business owners – myself included – who at some point connected their self-worth with how much money they make in their business and if they’re having a lull in income or their launch is flopping, they make it out to be a flaw in who they are as a person. THIS IS A LIE!

It’s time to drop this damaging belief and create new empowering stories to tell. I show you how in this video..

You have to change the beliefs and stories you’ve linked up in your mind that what you earn is your worth as a human. The simplest and easiest way to start is with affirmations. It sounds simple, but think of it this way, you run affirmations in your head all day every day on autopilot, “I never have enough money,” “I always get a free parking spot,” “The price of gas is ridiculous.”

These thoughts become beliefs which become set points and standards which becomes the way you operate in the world, so when you don’t make enough sales and you tell yourself, “I’m not good enough,” how long do you think it’ll take for that to become your dominant belief?

You gotta get deliberate about the messages you’re telling yourself because they’re not all diamonds. So let’s start with some affirmations you can begin to plant in your mind on a daily basis.

1. No Matter How I Feel or What I Do, I Get To Make a Ton of Money

This is my FAVOURITE affirmation that I wired into my mindset and out of the four listed I want you to focus on this one most of all. It’s the perfect affirmation to separate yourself from how much you make and what you get to have and gives you “permission” to have it all no matter how you’re feeling or what you’re doing (or not doing).

2. People Love to Pay Me

This affirmation is really fun and light hearted to play with and takes the focus off you and onto your customers or clients. The more you repeat this affirmation, the more you’re gonna notice random sales coming in out of nowhere.

I understand that this affirmation can also create more feelings of connecting net-worth to self-worth so you’ve got to take into account whether that would be the case with you. Maybe start off with it and if you start feeling bad or negative when saying this affirmation, hop off it for a while and try one of the other ones.

3. My Work is of High Service & Worthy of Massive Compensation

Your work is its own separate entity that is worthy of being compensated for. You are not your work, your work flows through you. You are not what targets you hit or products and services you produce, they’re separate and they get to be exchanged for currency.

But, some people can find this affirmation doesn’t work for them because they don’t believe their work is high service yet, so you have to change the wording to make it work for you. Try different variations such as, “My work is of.. high quality or creative or fun or amazing or incredible or perfect for the right person and worthy of massive compensation” to work your way around to something more believable.

4. I’m Worthy of It All & It is Safe to Receive

This is like a no-brainer affirmation. You are worthy, always were, always have been, with money in your bank account and without, with sales coming in and not, with a business and without. You are worthy, good enough, completely deserving right NOW. And always will be till the end of time. So it gets to be safe to receive it all. No funky rules, limiting beliefs or obstacles are in the way anymore.

Now that you know four affirmations you can get started with, I encourage you to start creating your own and suit you and your situation. Use the affirmations above as formulas to start separating your self-worth from your net-worth and let’s get back to manifesting money and basking in our worthiness.

Elise McDowell