Today we’re talking about what to do when your sales strategy isn’t working and how to fix it, so you can actually make some money. We’re talking sales strategy, particularly what to do when it’s not working. Sometimes, no matter what we do, no matter how much we try to put our effort into this particular sales strategy it’s not gonna work. We need to know what to do when it isn’t working. So, here’s my three tips on how to fix that.

1. Quit

No, I don’t mean quit completely you silly goose! I mean stop doing what’s not working. Not every sales strategy is going to work for you the same as it’s going to work for me and vice versa. You know we look at the successful online entrepreneurs today and you realize that they didn’t get to where they are the exact same way. You know they found their groove, they found something that worked for them. There are a lot of things that didn’t work for them. There are a lot of things they failed at, but they didn’t stop there. They just quit doing the things that weren’t working.

Now, quitting does depend on a few things. If you have been trying a sales strategy for like a few days or a few weeks that is not enough time to tell if it’s not working. But, if you’ve been experimenting and testing it over a few months and still you’re not seeing the reward that you were expecting or it’s just not as effective as it could be; say you’re making a little bit it’s not as much as you were predicting to put enough effort in. Then yes you need to quit.

2. Find the breakdown

The second thing I’d recommend you to do is find the break down when we’re making offers to people when we’re selling things we rarely are gonna go “here, buy my thing”. And if you are, then that’s what the problem is! Because usually what you’re going to do, if you’re a proper business owner, you take them through a series of steps:

  • Building a relationship
  • Making offers
  • Building more connection with them
  • Making offers

And it’s through there that you need to find where the breakdown is. Is it your communication? Are you targeting the wrong people? What is your conversion rate? Do you even know your numbers? Because you could actually be making really good conversions, but you think it’s not that great because it’s not as much as you thought it was.

So, just to give you a tip the average conversion rate on a person on your sales page is 1 to 3 percent. So that means for every hundred people that come and see your offer, 1 to 3 percent of them are going to buy. So, if one person out of those hundred people buy, you are doing really well.

And this happened to me recently. I created a new tripwire and I wanted to implement it. I set my offer up set the page up, put it up and over a couple of days I made a few sales. I was like “oh shit, this is not going as well as I thought it was” and then I was like “hold on miss drama queen, have you checked your numbers? Go check em!”

So, I checked my numbers and low and behold, I was converting at 10 percent!

Speaking of conversion rates, I got an awesome download for you that will help you understand what conversion rates are and how you can start tracking them in your business. I swear it’s not scary its actually really fun. So, download it below

So, make sure you know your numbers. Make sure you find the breakdown because it might not actually be your offer that’s the problem. It could be a breakdown somewhere else. Maybe your sales page sucks. Or maybe there’s a tech glitch going on, on your website.

3. Trial new strategies

And the third thing I would recommend is trial new strategies. I had this experience when I tried to do Amazon affiliate marketing. Everyone seems to do really well at it except me. So, I tried it for a month, I was like “I’ll give it 30 days and we’ll see how goes”. And for all the effort that I’d put into that strategy for 30 days, I made a whopping 50 cents!

Now that strategy just did not seem viable to me. It was like, “Okay I put all this effort in for 30 days to make 50 cents. When I put barely any effort into my tripwires and my e-book and I made thousands of dollars.” Which strategy you think I’m gonna focus on?

The same thing happened with AdSense. I’ve tried using ads on my website and the thing about ads is they take prime real estate on your website. I was making a couple cents to a couple dollars every day but that still wasn’t viable for me because I was taking up so much space on my website. I should be making more money from that.

But, what did work for me was affiliate marketing on Pinterest. I like boomed at that! And tripwires worked for me really well. So, I dropped AdSense, I dropped Amazon and I focused on tripwires and Pinterest.


Elise McDowell