In this video we’re talking about how you can find your business BFF’s so you don’t have to feel so lonely on your entrepreneurial journey.

I want to give you a little story; When I first started my blogging journey, I didn’t know anyone, I hadn’t met any people. I was just starting on my own and my network around me, no one was doing what I was doing. No one was trying to work online so, I didn’t really have anyone that I could talk to, that I could relate to, who understood what I was doing.

And I knew that in the beginning stages obviously it’s going to be lonely. Obviously you’re going to be working pretty hard so meeting people wasn’t really at the forefront of your mind. It’s more just getting set up and that’s your focus. But then you get to a point where you like. “Ok I’d really like to meet some people now because I feel pretty lonely….”

So, that’s what I want to share with you today and the three things that I did to meet other entrepreneurs and make business BFF’s.


I know it seems pretty obvious like because most of us are in Facebook groups. But yeah I joined them. I joined specific ones that made me feel a certain way. That sort of felt more aligned with me and what I wanted to be doing with my business. And also the energy in the group. You can go into a lot of groups and it feels really spammy and like there’s no kind of “soul” there, that they’re just all there to promote themselves.

And then you can go into some groups and it’s just like all bitchy and they’re like really negative and complaining a lot of the time. And then you can go in other groups and be like “oh my god, this is amazing. This is this is where my people are.”

And so I found a couple of groups that really worked for me at the time and I got connecting with people and I met a few people that way who are still my friends today.

But with Facebook groups, it’s a great way to network with your audience as well. It’s more casual and the connection can be a bit more authentic and genuine that way. That’s how I’ve been able to get to know so many people in my audience who I now call friends and talk to often. I even had one friend who came out to Bali to hang out for a week because I suggested that she should come and explore Bali!


The second thing I did was I joined a mastermind. A mastermind is a great way to build a deeper bond with other entrepreneurs. They’re usually really intimate groups, you know, there’s not a lot of people in these masterminds. One of the masterminds I’m in, there’s only like eight people in it, and another one I’m in I think there’s about 300 400 maybe.

And everyone is at the sort of same level psychologically. Not necessarily on an income level or a business level, but psychologically they’re all at the same place. They’re there to help you, and get feedback and you can talk about different things that you probably couldn’t talk about in public! It just really helps having those people there.


I discovered this whole new world of meeting entrepreneurs by attending live events.

I went to a conference in San Diego where I literally met about a hundred women who were all working online, doing these incredible things, in different industries, but they were all passionate about what they did and they understood the online business world. Being around people like that makes you feel like you’re not alone! It makes you feel like “oh my god, this is a thing that people do! I’m not the only one out there!”

The key is to not sit behind your computer and just twiddle your thumbs. You really do need to kind of put yourself out there. It’s not that hard; especially with social media these days you can literally build a connection with anyone pretty quickly. But the thing is to maintain that. I know it’s scary and it’s like dating; you don’t want to get rejected. But you won’t. You’ll find the right people. Just put yourself out there a bit more.

All right. That’s it from me today. Now I’d love to hear from you. How have you met some of your business BFF’s and what is your advice for entrepreneurs who are looking to make business besties? What do you recommend they should do?

Elise McDowell