A while ago I published a post on Instagram about how $100,000 per year = $274 per day.

There were quite a few people who commented in disagreement that 30-50% goes on taxes and that you really only make $60,000.

I was like, wait, are you serious?

You actually think that?

That’s actually where your mind went first?

It went to taxes?

What in the…


That is a fucking lack mindset.

That is scarcity based thinking.

That is fighting for your limitations.

And that behaviour is what will keep you broke.

And from looking at the responses from the new people on that post, the collective is STILL predominantly lack focused.

They couldn’t even see the freedom that $100,000 creates (or $60k since they know it all 🙄).

They couldn’t see the reduction of stress, anxiety, unhappiness and time spent at a 9-to-5 they hate.

They couldn’t see the money they’d be making from THEIR OWN CREATION instead of relying on someone else to dictate what they’re worth.

No. Instead what they saw was taxes. FUCKING TAXES!

As a business owner how do you not think about how to leverage your money to work for you?

How do you not think about having an accountant who helps minimize those taxes?

How do you not think about something as simple as BUSINESS EXPENSE WRITE OFFS???

You don’t because you CAN’T. When you’re lack focused you don’t see opportunity, you don’t see possibility, you don’t see the bigger picture. You just see what your limited mind can perceive and then call it the TRUTH because that’s how it is.

Tell me, how’s that way of thinking going for you?

Because either way, your lack mindset doesn’t affect my bank account.

And I’d rather that it didn’t affect yours either. I’d rather you had worked through your shit and started creating a different reality.

But it’s not my job to make you realize you have a lack based mentality. My job is to assist you when you have and are ready for the transformation.

And until that day, there’s not much else I can do for you.



E xo

P.S – If you caught yourself thinking that way and you know you’re ready to change that, it’s time to start considering joining Money Mindset School. This course shit will re-wire your lack based mentality so hard you’ll be overwhelmed with abundance. No, really.

Elise McDowell