A fantastic question came through from a lovely Lady in my Facebook Group where she said:

“I find employing an abundance mindset super difficult because I’m such a logical person that I actually searched how much money is in the world (90 trillion) and how many people there are in the world (7.5 billion) and when you divide those out that’s just 12,000 each.

So here’s what I had to say about it..

Unless you’re living your dream life down to the exact detail you envisioned, “logic” does not fucking serve you in this situation.

Logic is just another way to hide behind a lack based mentality.

If you live in survival mode, if you never seem to have enough money and when you do it slips out of your fingers, that doesn’t mean abundance, wealth, overflow and more than enough doesn’t exist.

And it doesn’t mean you’re someone who doesn’t get to have it.

It just means your dominant focus is on lack.

Your mind is wired for lack.

There is far more than $90 trillion in the world and more money is printed every single day. Half the world lives on $2.50 a day and the top 1% owns half of the worlds wealth.

If all the wealth in the world was distributed evenly – and if the mindset, habits and beliefs of the people hadn’t changed – within a very short amount of time it would wind up back in the hands of those who had it before.

But focusing on ALL of that above is a fear based activity and doesn’t do anything to help you form an abundance mindset.

NONE of that actually helps you in feeling more abundant, more flow-based and free.

If I was logical about anything in my business and life I would NOT be where I am today.

I’d still be working for someone else, hating my job, leading a pretty mediocre life, living for the weekend because it wasn’t “logical” to quit it all and bet on myself and believe that I could do it.

So yeah, fuck logic.

Here’s what to do instead:

  1. Focus on abundance
  2. Look for evidence of it everywhere
  3. Watch your mindset and reality change.

The choice is always yours.

Elise McDowell