Month: April 2021

  • How to Feel Rich When It’s Not Your Reality Yet

    How to Feel Rich When It's Not Your Reality Yet

    I remember the moment I truly felt rich, and it wasn’t when you would imagine it to have been. I’d been practicing the feeling and the vibration of “rich” consistently for over a year. My income had already drastically increased, I had savings, emergency, retirement accounts AND an investment portfolio – all things I NEVER […]


  • The Best Affirmations for Attracting Customers & Clients

    The Best Affirmations for Attracting Customers & Clients

    So you know I love me some affirmations and money mantras! I recite those things every single day for many different areas of my life (but always for money because #richismyvibe). Over the last few months I’ve seen a lot of requests for affirmations like these so I’m bringing you some of my FAAAAAAVORITE money […]


  • 5 Signs You’ve Successfully Rewired Your Money Mindset

    5 Signs You've Successfully Rewired Your Money Mindset

    In my corner, we talk a lot about money, making it, manifesting it, receiving larger quantities of it with ease, but not how to know when you’ve normalized it enough that you’ve successfully rewired your mindset for good.. Until today!​ ​ This question came in from a lovely lady a few weeks ago and I […]