No matter how I feel or what I do, I still get to make a fuck ton of money.

– Elise McDowell

You might have heard me say maaaaany times before that you can feel desperate and needy and still manifest money.⁠⁠

Many people have bought into the story told by most new age teachers that if you aren’t happy, positive and high-vibe 24/7 you will never get what you want.⁠

It is bullshit.⁠

Feeling negative or desperate or angry is not wrong or bad. Of course we want to have a life that we love where we feel good and whole and fulfilled and it’s important we do that work for ourselves in our time, but it’s not the requirement for getting everything you want.

This bad advice can make a person create an endless pattern of highs and lows where they spend years chasing the high thinking that if they can just stay there, they’ll finally get to be happy, rich, successful etc..⁠⁠


You can feel like shit 99% of the time and get it all anyway.

There are still rich and wealthy people who are deeply unhappy, filled with insecurity, with rocky marriages, consumed with addiction who still make a fuck ton of money.⁠

Why? Because that’s their standard and set point. They believe and know they get to be rich and successful without resistance, no matter how unhappy they may be.⁠

It is literally my mission to help people understand they do not have to try and achieve and maintain the most unrealistic impossible version of perfection and happiness to get and have what they want (this is just another version of the belief “If I don’t behave or be a good obedient girl Santa, God, family or society won’t love or accept me.”)

Being happy (or pretending to be happy because you’ve been told that’s what you have to do to get what you want) is not the deciding factor of who will be rich and who won’t.

It is your BELIEF. And the fastest way to believing is by letting yourself be worthy right now, with all your flaws and fears and insecurities. It’s letting yourself off the self-inflicted (and societal) hook and allowing yourself have it all right now as you are.

You’re enough NOW.

You’re worthy NOW.

You’re deserving NOW.

You don’t have to perform or behave or try hard to be worthy now.

You already are enough, right now, as you are.

That’s why I created the affirmation, no matter how I feel or what I do, I still get to have a fuck ton of money. And you know what? I motherfucking do.

And now it’s your turn to do that same!

​Save, screenshot or share this affirmation and never ever EVER forget it!

I love you!

Elise McDowell