Hello friends! I’ve been getting quite a few emails from you lately about your traffic and how you’re not getting the growth that you want and it’s not increasing no matter how much you’re trying and you’re trying EVERYTHING you’ve heard of.

I’m a big believer of the 80/20 rule. Which means 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort. And I only figured this out earlier in 2017!! For the first year I was doing everything too. I was on all platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and what I found was that I wasn’t getting the traction I wanted from all of those platforms.

And I realized I was wasting my time using all of these platforms when only a few were really performing for me. So I culled a bunch of my social media accounts. I deleted my LinkedIn account, I stopped using Twitter and I unpublished my Facebook business page.

So I have got 3 proven strategies for you that I use every single day that brings my blog traffic.

1. PINTEREST!!!!!!!!!!!

The cool thing about Pinterest for me is that everything runs on autopilot now. I don’t really use it anymore unless I want to top up my secret boards for scheduled pins. I do this by using Boardbooster. It duplicates the boards you have and creates a secret version of the board so you can load it up with all the pins you like and they’ll be added to your public version of the board at the schedule you set.

You also need to be in group boards to really leverage the pins you’re repinning because you can get a ton of traffic from those boards which is awesome if you’re only just starting out with Pinterest. But you gotta make sure you’re pinning other peoples pins too, otherwise you’ll look like a spammy jerk.

And if you don’t know how to join group boards, go to PinGroupie and search different keywords related to your niche. Or if you are a business blogger, you can join my group board Brazen Business Bloggers! 😊


While I do 100% recommend you to get into Facebook Groups that are in your niche and relevant to you, but for me I’m actually talking about my Facebook Group Brazen Business Owners. I get a lot of traffic from my own group and focus most of my attention here.

But when I was new I was heavily active in Facebook Groups. So if you’re new, I recommend you join 3 – 5 different groups that are in alignment with what you do and your business. And then network, meet people, make friends, don’t just focus on promoting your business. But do make sure they have promotional threads at least once a week so you can promote your business because I believe that’s a fair exchange.

So get in there and get networking! If you’re consistent with it you will see a good amount of traffic from these groups. It won’t be the quantity that you’ll get from Pinterest but your engagement will be higher than any other platform you use because of the personal connection you create in the group. These leads will already be warmed up by you.


I have affiliates for my ebook How to Make Your First Affiliate Sale in 24 Hours. What affiliates do is they promote that ebook for me and in return if they make a sale through their referral, they get 40% commission on that sale.

I got over 150 affiliates and every single one of them are directing traffic to my website. More specifically the sales page for my ebook. But, if they wind up purchasing the ebook they are then automatically subscribed to my email list and from there they get to know me and receive my latest content and that’s how I get traffic from them.

One thing I should note is that I don’t get a lot of traffic every month. A lot of people think they need hundreds of thousands of views every month to have a profitable business. But that’s not true. My average pageviews are between 6000 – 7000 per month, and it’s been like that for the last 6 months and yet my income is increasing every single month.

It’s not about the quantity of people you have coming to your website, it’s about the quality of people. And that’s why I want to go back to the 80/20 rule. If you focus on the 20% that brings in the most traffic, that’s how you’re gonna get the results.


Check your traffic stats and look over the last 30 – 90 days and see what your highest traffic provider is. Is it Pinterest? Facebook? Someones website? A search engine? If it’s Pinterest, up your marketing on there and ditch everything else. If it’s Facebook, get networking! If it’s someones website? Promote their content! If it’s a search engine, add SEO to every blog post you have!!

Now it’s your turn! In the comments below let me know what your top 3 traffic drivers are?

Elise xo

Elise McDowell