Do you feel like this industry can get really confusing sometimes and you it’s like you need to do a million and one things to be able to create the reality you desire.

Should you meditate AND visualize?

Do you need to practice daily gratitude or not?

What if you don’t like journaling and prefer EFT?

There’s so much you can do that it makes you not want to do anything, but then there are those who say not to do anything at all and give it all up to the universe.

WTF DO YOU DO!??!?!?

I totally understand this and have found myself caught in this loop many times.

I’m here to help you with this.

I have a very simple exercise for you that I would like you to consider a foundational principle for your wealth and abundance journey.

But don’t think that’s only what this exercise helps with. It helps with any type of goal, you’ve seen athletes do this, you’ve seen actors do this, you’ve seen leaders in your industry do this. It is a foundational mindset that will not only propel your progress but your bank account and who you are at the core.

To help you understand that better, look at this exercise like it’s a serving of your favourite flavour of ice cream. All of the techniques and methods mentioned above are the different toppings you could put on your ice cream. They help make the ice cream more delicious, but without the ice cream you’d just be eating bits of granola and gummy worms.

Just like the methods and techniques mentioned above help make your manifestation and co-creation experience more enriching, without the core mindset shift in this exercise they’re just fun games you play. That’s why I created The Rich Babe Society, to help you stick to your practice and become the rich woman you were always meant to be. Come and learn more about it and see if it’s the right fit for you.

Adopt this mindset principle and watch the money, abundance, opportunities, people and events come to you.

Elise McDowell