Let’s talk robotic affirming!

I have introduced robotic affirming relatively recently into my world. It’s not something I’ve always known about and it’s funny because I’ve always used affirmations in my life, but I haven’t done them in this specific way, which I have found has been a great little addition to my manifestation routines. Now, I don’t do it every day, I don’t even do it every week, but I find that in moments when I really need it or really want to do it, robotic affirming has been pretty impactful and the results are quite amazing.

What is Robotic Affirming?

If you haven’t heard of what robotic affirming is, simply put, it is continuous repetitive affirming. Some people like to say it’s emotionless affirming, and it can be. Obviously, if you’re repeating something constantly over and over, it’s likely going to be a lot harder to constantly conjure some kind of emotion for it, but it can be done.

What do I mean by affirmations? If you don’t know, they are just a phrase or a sentence of words strung together that imply that you already have the thing that you want.

For example:

  • I have $100k in the bank
  • I make $1,000 a day
  • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
  • I am with the love of my life
  • I always feel cherished and taken care of
  • I am in perfect health
  • I am 65 kilos/120 pounds
  • I have thick, luscious hair
  • My booty is growing every day
  • My biceps are getting bigger and bigger
  • I always attract the best friends
  • I have the most amazing friends

Why The Repetition?

The reason we want to repeat it is obviously because we want to saturate our subconscious mind with this messaging, because it can be kind of difficult to pierce it because it’s the subconscious mind.

For me personally, I have found robotically affirming to be amazing for pattern interrupting. If I’m going down some kind of spiral or I’m starting to think negatively about something, I will interrupt it with a specific affirmation that is implying the thing that I want is solved, I have it or it’s done. And then I just continue with repeating that affirmation, therefore overriding whatever it was that I was thinking that was making me spiral.

I also really enjoy doing them as I’m going to sleep. A lot of people like to do static into sleep, which is falling asleep, visualizing, but what I find is that if I’m really, really tired, then it gets really hard to keep an image in my mind. So I’d start using my words and then eventually it gets hard to just say words because I’m basically asleep. So I found robotic affirming to be a great replacement if I’m finding it hard to visualize or if I’m too tired to actually visualize as I’m falling asleep.

5 Steps to Robotically Affirm For Any Desire

Step 1: Choose at least 1 – 3 affirmations: Think about what you really absolutely, completely, totally want right now, that you’re non-negotiable about that and create 1 – 3 affirmations for them that completely describes having what you want as if it is happening now – no more than 3 okay! 

Step 2: Condense your affirmation to 6 words or less: I want you to condense it as much as possible, because you want your mind to be able to remember this easily. The longer it is, the more difficult it is for your brain to remember. Saying something like “I have $100k in the bank, I’m in perfect health or I am 65 kilos” is so much simpler than “I am happy, rich, hot, successful, loving, kind, generous and sweet.” The shorter the better. The shorter the easier it is. Your brain is going to remember it and your subconscious mind is going to soak it in.

Now in terms of whether to be general or specific with your affirmations, that’s entirely up to you. If you have one specific outcome that you desire say it’s making a certain amount of money each month then I would use one affirmation for that, like “I have a $100k in the bank, or I always make $10,000 a month, or I received $30,000.” But if the thing that you’re wanting to manifest has a lot of pieces or a lot of moving parts, like, for example, a successful business or improving your health, or traveling to different countries then I would recommend a more general affirmation that encompasses them all.

For example:

  • My business is massively successful
  • I’m a very successful business owner
  • I am in perfect health
  • I’m in the best shape of my life
  • I had the most incredible overseas experience
  • I had the most incredible trip

Because that way you’re encompassing everything, although you’re not getting specific about the things that you would like to happen. If you have an affirmation that basically implies everything you wanted did happen, then it’s naturally going to occur, and even more exciting things are going to happen that you didn’t even think of.

Step 3: Start robotic affirming 1 minute at a time: Use a timer, maybe in the morning when you’re getting ready for work or you’re having your breakfast or you’re making your coffee, set a timer on your phone for a minute and just affirm one of your affirmations. If you feel good after that and you want to keep going, you could go for another minute and continue with that first affirmation, or you can move to the next affirmation. I don’t want you to go overboard. Because when you overdo it then you wind up not enjoying it and not sticking to it. So start off with a minute each day for a week. Then if you want to increase it, move it to two minutes or three minutes the next week. But this is meant to be fun, it’s meant to be natural, it’s meant to feel light and you’re meant to enjoy it.

Step 4: Add rhythm into your repetition: So when there is a rhythm, like a jingle, it gets easier to remember. So that’s why you want to keep your affirmations short and concise and kind of catchy, so that they’re easy to remember. Like I have a hundred K in the bank. I have a hundred K in the bank, I have a hundred K in the bank. That’s really, really easy to create a natural rhythm with right and you can vibe with it. You can, you could dance with it. You could turn it into your own affirmation video if you wanted to, because it’s easy to repeat. Right, it’s something that your brain is going to remember much easier than a longer affirmation.

Step 5: Shift into the state: When you’re robotically affirming, you’re probably going to be doing other things at the same time, maybe you’re brushing your teeth, getting ready for the day, maybe you’re having breakfast, maybe you are driving your car or whatever. You may already be doing things that you can’t consciously focus on changing your state. But if you have a moment, if you have time, if you have space, even if it’s just a minute or two, I want you to shift your state and I want you to shift it into the state that you would be in if this affirmation were true in your reality.

Begin Your 7-Day Challenge

I want you to spend the next seven days robotically affirming for what you want to manifest. I want you to pick 1 – 3 affirmations to repeat on autopilot. Do it for one minute every single day. Pick the same time of day to do it, because I find that’s much easier to remember. Then I want you to pay attention to what starts occurring in your physical reality. I highly encourage you to come over and join the FREE Girls that Manifest Facebook group and create a post documenting this so that not only you can see, but others can see, how powerful robotic affirming actually can be in real time.

Elise McDowell