Are you at that weird, in-between stage in your business, where you’re no longer a beginner you’re making a little bit of money but you’re not like making a shitload of money where you’re the super expert powerhouse everyone goes to?

I totally know what you mean! And in this episode I’m going to share with you how to handle it.

So, you’re going to get to a point where you are not a beginner. You’ve learnt everything you need to know to get your business up and running; you have products, you’re making sales and they’re good but maybe they’re not consistent enough.

Or maybe it’s not enough for you to be able to either leave your job or live that life that you really want to be living. It’s like that weird, awkward in-between where you’re not where you began, but you’re not where you want to go yet.

I went through this in the second year of my business and I found it tough initially because it was almost like there was no content out there for people who were at the in-between stage. There was nothing to show you what was next. It was either a lot of beginner strategies like getting set up or super advanced stuff that was way over my head. And that’s when I realised that the in-between stage is an in-between stage for a reason.

The in-between stage is actually a reconfiguration stage. 

You’re not a beginner anymore, there are some things that you’re going to be using that don’t feel right to you or feel outdated. Or there are going to be things on your website that are broken, or you discovered holes in your business over that time that you really need to fix. What that looked like for me, was that I had to take some time to actually just reflect and look back on my business and think about what was working for me and what wasn’t.

I was so disorganised!

I did not have a plan; I was just basically writing a post the week I posted it, and that was just not a productive use of my time. So, I knew that I had to get far more organised and better at planning my business ahead of time so that it saved me a lot of stress and sanity and so that I could actually work on my business rather than in it all the time.

Sales strategies felt out of alignment.

I discovered there were certain sales techniques or strategies that I was using that I didn’t want to use anymore and didn’t feel aligned with my business. And also there were other strategies that I really wanted to amplify that I really wanted to focus on that felt more in alignment with my business. But I didn’t have the time to do that when I was trying to get above water.

I decided to go general.

This also helped me realise that I wanted to go back to being a bit more general in my niche rather than being specific and focusing solely on passive income. I wanted to actually talk a bit more general, to allow myself to explore again on what topics I actually want to focus on.

If I didn’t have that in-between stage, I honestly feel that my business would be like a pieced-together thing, rather than a smooth and streamlined industry that I believe it is now.

So that’s my advice for you. If you feel like you’re at the in-between stage where you’re not a beginner but you’re not exactly where you want to be. Use that in-between time to actually make a better business. Go back, reflect. What’s working for you, what’s not, what doesn’t feel in alignment for you anymore? And then take the time to implement those new processes.

  • Do you need to be more organized like I did?
  • Do you need to change your sales strategies?
  • Is the type of content you’re creating not in alignment with you anymore?

Really take this time to assess and then pivot. Keep the things that are working, that you love and that are alignment with you, and drop the rest and carry on forward. You’ll be hitting the next stage, where you want to be, in no time!

Now I would love to hear from you. Are you in the in-between stage yourself, and if so, what is one thing you’re going to take from today’s episode implement today?

Elise McDowell