As entrepreneurs we are under time pressure to do “all the things”. We don’t have a boss prioritising life or motivating us like an employee. Finding the time amongst the chores to create a successful business in the first place can be harder when you’re working from home. Do you find yourself struggling to balance writing that new blog post with doing the dishes?

The problem is that there is no “one size fits all” solution to the problem of finding time in your life, to make the money you deserve, which will eventually create the time and freedom that comes with success. It’s a vicious cycle!

There are so many things that you must do in your life as a grownup; from cleaning the house to paying the bills, that sometimes your business takes a back seat. Because of this, you end up stuck with “not enough time in the day” syndrome.

You become dizzy in a cycle of priorities: not investing enough of yourself in your business that will eventually turn into profit, which can then be automated, to give you more time to do everything else!

Today I’m going to share some tips that have helped me to create a life that is full (but not overwhelming), a business that is earning well (but not taking over my world) and a home that is ticking away nicely (and not eating all my time!)

Put some of these simple practices into your life today and see how it changes things for you!


Outsourcing tasks in your business is a damn fine strategy; it removes things from your schedule that you either hate doing, don’t have the skills for, or take up huge piles of time that would be better used elsewhere.

Applying this same principle in your home is a game changer that gets overlooked as being “out of the question” purely through pride, cost and tradition. It feels like a no brainer; yet most women see this as a sign of failure or tell themselves they can’t afford it. That is simply not the case, and here’s why…

Eliminating everyday tasks like cleaning, laundry, and gardening is the ultimate solution to free up time for usually little financial exchange. Like in business, there are specialists out there that make their living from doing the exact things that you don’t like to do (or I wouldn’t have a VA business!)

I want you to look at this from a purely business-minded perspective: How much would you be paid per hour if you did a full-time job or were earning optimal return from your biz?

Domestic specialists charge on average, less than you would earn per hour, so if you paid yourself to do this job, it would cost more than if you outsource. Plus, you’d gain up to 5 hours per week and lose stress in one transaction.

Face it; if this were a business decision there would be no discussions, you’d just do it.


We’re told to automate in our businesses, but do we do it in our personal lives? The benefits of automating social media in business are huge; from Buffer to Tailwind, there is a system that can automate most of your online presence in your biz.

But when it comes to your home life, do you make the most of the digital age? Consider automating some of these to save hours:

  • Paying Bills – set up direct debits and check your accounts once or twice a month. Stop being reactive to financial requests and start being proactive
  • Shopping – If you live in a home where your grocery list changes very little week on week, then automating the shopping process can save you hours of time. Get online, create one list of favourites and get it delivered to your door. Change it each week in a matter of minutes and kaboom, three hours of drama each week completely removed from your schedule. The hours gobbled up by travelling to the supermarket, dragging yourself (and often your screaming children or spouse) around, making decisions, packing the bags, driving home and unpacking the bags; replaced with one time slot that you can plan into your routine.


I hear women constantly saying, “I don’t have time to plan”. But, did you know that if you make time to plan, you’ll shave off hours of indecision each week? Knowing what there is to do and keeping a list is encouraging in its own right; because the more you get done, the more motivated you become.

Take half an hour each morning, or the evening before, to plan your day. Implement a diary system with important dates too. Some simple planning hacks that help me stay completely in control include:

  • Have a list of birthdays and celebrations for the year and buy all cards and gifts for the coming month at one time.
  • Plan 3 key tasks that you want to accomplish each day, personal or business. Setting a few important tasks as “must-do’s” and achieving them each day, makes you more motivated to get them done, and keep doing it. Don’t over stretch yourself, as this could have the opposite effect and make you less productive!
  • Schedule gaps in your day to put the kettle on. Being organised is not being constantly busy or doing! Make time for yourself and your family or you’ll burn out!
  • Write down the things that are floating around in your head. Keep a notebook to throw thoughts, tasks or appointments down. During your planning time, schedule these – you’ll find you spend much less time worrying you’ve forgotten something!

Now it’s over to you: What will you do this week to streamline your domestic obligations and become a super-productive entrepreneur!?

Grab yourself The FREE Domestic Defiance Action Plan that will walk you through how to reboot, redefine what you want and create the free time you need to follow your business passions. Don’t keep your life on hold any longer…

Joelle is a time management expert, blogger and VA with an epic work/life balance. She is on a mission to help working moms carve out “me” time in their busy lives. She wants women to feel happier and more fulfilled, and helps in developing the confidence and habits they need to pursue a life beyond the laundry. Grab your copy of the free “Domestic Defiance Action Plan” and learn how to wipe out the rinse and repeat life for good.

Elise McDowell