Over the years I’ve used a looooot of different tools in my business.

And one thing I’ve really come to know about myself is this..

I really don’t like complicated.

If I can’t understand it in 5 minutes, I’m out.

If I can automate it, the method has become my new best friend.

The more I can automate the better.

Hell, I already automate my social media scheduling, my emails, my courses, my savings, my bills, my taxes, my grocery shopping and paying my team!

I like things to be easy.

After all, I’m always preaching that business and making money gets to be easy, right!?

So back to the tools.

I’ve refined them over the years and I may use different one’s here and there for something specific, but when it comes to the every day tools, here is what I use..

Canva: I’d be pretty lost without Canva. I create literally EVERYTHING in there. From my blog post images to my product graphics to my masterclass slides. Like, NO ONE has an excuse that they can’t design because Canva provides a TON of pre-made templates with really beautiful designs. It’s just such a great way to make your brand and business look way more professional. I do use most of their designs but if they don’t happen to have what I’m looking for, I’ll head over to Creative Market to find a graphic or vector set. It’s an AMAZING tool and it’s free!

ConvertKit: This is how I send all my emails to you. I love this platform so much because it’s how I connect personally with my audience and also how I make a looooooot of money. I have multiple email sequences set up depending on how people opt-in, which means I’m giving value and selling 24/7. And when I’m running offers with a deadline, I’ll use Motion Mail in them. I’ve also started using their landing pages a lot more because it’s just so much easier to set it up on one platform. They have great analytics so you’re able to see what type of content your audience is responding to the most and how to better tweak it in the future.

Teachable: This is how I host all my courses, trainings, workshops, ebooks and my affiliate program. I love it because it’s super easy to use and it’s a trusted platform so customers are more open to buying products from there because it’s well known. Earlier this year I switched from Teachable to a self-hosted platform and it was an actual nightmare. It really showed me how easy Teachable really was, so I switched back. That doesn’t mean Teachable is perfect, it still has glitches, but overall I prefer it. I’m on the Professional Plan which enables you to have a custom payment gateway, you can take payments through Stripe and Paypal and receive them immediately rather than waiting for their monthly payouts. But they do have a free plan that you can get started with too.

Social Bee: I use Social Bee to schedule all of my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn posts. I’ve set it up so my posts run automatically and on repeat. Meaning, if it gets to the end of the posts I’ve scheduled, it will go back to the start and send out those posts again.So far I have 100 posts scheduled which is roughly 3 months of daily content being posted. If I left it like that and never updated it again, One post would only be shared 4 times over a year, so it’s not repetitive at all. It’s a fantastic way to provide extra value to your audience members who follow you on social media. Plus, it creates conversation and you’re able to interact with your audience. And for Pinterest I have a manager who does all my scheduling and for Instagram I manually post myself.

My Phone: Earlier this year I upgraded to iPhone X because my Android wasn’t cutting it anymore (don’t laugh). I wanted to be able to run more of my business from my phone without it having a meltdown. There were some apps you couldn’t get on Android that I wanted to use, so I upgraded. And most importantly, I wanted to start doing more regular livestreams. It has created so much more freedom to be able to record things on the cuff and I’m able to upload straight to Youtube.

These are my essentials. My every day tools. The one’s I can’t go without.

Are you surprised by how small the list is?

I’m not. Lol.

I don’t like complicated, remember? And I’ve designed it so that IT GETS TO BE EASY.

You don’t need fucking Clickfunnels, Leadpages or Infusionsoft. 🙄

You don’t even need the tools I’ve shared.

You can do it your way, based on what’s most important to you.

Elise McDowell