I just signed up to work with my very first business coach (OMG!!!!) and the first task she gave me was to get CRYSTAL clear on the vision of what I want experience in my business right now – from customer and audience interactions to media and PR coverage to multiple income streams.

I started to think about the type of impact I want to make. No, not like the boring and overdone “I want to help one million women change the world” bs.

Oh, no no.

Something far simpler..


That, at it’s very core, is my actual drive behind this entire business.

Teaching people to reprogram their bs stories about the world and themselves to lead lives that are actually enjoyable.

Whether that’s a customer having their first $500 dollar day based on the strategy I taught them or a subscriber listening to my podcast and saying it made them feel fired up! The essence of that is the feeling of joy, of happiness, of belief (and proof!) in something better.

Because, let’s be honest, some of you are miserable AF! And I say that with love. ❤️

Ok, back to my visioning exercise..

I felt in my heart that I wanted to experience more emails coming in from customers saying they absolutely LOVE my products and programs, that they LOVE when I sell to them, that they’ve gotten AMAZING results and want to share them with me and that they love who and how real I am.

I held the vision in my mind and in my heart. I saw the emails. I felt the feelings. It was already done in my mind.

Not even a minute later, I received an email from a customer saying THIS EXACT THING!!!

And then another..

And another!!

I didn’t even have time to desire it!

I was already an exact match that it manifested instantly!


The energy of being so fucking clear, so certain, so absolute that there is not a shred of doubt in your mind because it would be absolutely RIDICULOUS for it not to appear.

So let me break it down one more time:

  1. Get so clear about what it is YOU desire and how you want YOUR business to be that it’s already a reality
  2. Get so aligned with your vision that you don’t even have time to desire it because IT IS ALREADY DONE.

You’ve got this!

Elise xo

Elise McDowell