“So, what do you do again?”

“I sell digital products. You know, like ebooks and online courses.” I say.

“What are those?”

“Okay so you know how you write in a word document? Well I save it as a PDF and sell it. And you know how youtube has videos? I make those and sell them.”

*Visibly seeing none of that sunk in*

“I’m a teacher. I teach.”

“Ohhhhh right!”

Explaining what I do to my family feels like trying to solve The Collatz Conjecture. 99.99% IMPOSSIBLE. 😵‍💫

Thankfully, explaining digital products to you is something I don’t need to do because you’re already clued up on this world.

As you might know, I’ve already written posts on writing an ebook in 24 hours and how I create my digital products for free, so this post will focus on EASY digital products that you can create in a weekend because, well, they ARE easy and I would rather you be making money ASAP rather than waiting till you’re ready or when it’s perfect or when the moon transits Leo. 😜

With digital products, my philosophy is this: Create and sell what YOU would want to buy.

  • The type of digital product
  • The style of problem solving
  • The information delivery
  • The product delivery method
  • The pricing options

When you stick to what you prefer, it will be easy to sell and you’ll be so much more excited about selling it than if it was something you saw someone else do and thought you had to do it that way.

So with saying that, let’s dig into the 5 types of digital products you can EASILY create in a weekend.

Note: This post has affiliate links, meaning if you happen to purchase through my link I’ll receive a small commission.

Idea #1: Ebook

Price Range: $7-$97

Obviously, I am going to insist on an ebook first and foremost as they’ve been an absolute key player in my businesses success.

Creating an ebook is not as hard as you think. As long as it solves a problem, it doesn’t matter how many or how little pages or words there are. The first ebook I created for my company was 20 pages long, 90% screenshots and I wrote it in 3 hours. It made over $30,000 in its first year.

The size of your ebook is not what matters, it’s the solution it solves that does. So, what do you know that others don’t? What have you figured out that not many have? What do you know people would absolutely want to know how to do? Write an ebook about that. In fact, I challenge you to keep it under 20 pages.

Step-by-step guides or tutorials make for great ebooks at this length, plus is helps you to keep your content concise and efficient. Write an ebook teaching something you know how to do like it’s nothing but would take someone else quite a bit of time to do.

And, of course, if you need help you the outlining, writing, designing and selling your ebook, my Ebook Empire ebook will help you execute this perfectly.

How to Create an Ebook

  • Head over to Canva or purchase an Ebook template on Creative Market to save you time.
  • Enter your all the information you want to share in your ebook (if you need help with this, grab my Ebook Empire ebook!)
  • Save the file as a PDF
  • Upload it to SendOwl or Teachable
  • Sell it to the masses

Idea #2: Workbook

Price Range: $19-$49

Who doesn’t love a good workbook?

Workbooks are a little different to ebooks. They’re not something passive that you can read and close once you’re finished, you have to take action and explore your own mind to find the answers you seek. They’re a fill-in-the-blank document that helps you navigate your inner thoughts and helps you come to conclusions on your own. This can be helpful (and infuriating) in many ways, but that’s what makes workbooks highly valuable.

Workbooks are fantastic for helping your target customer figure out more about themselves, their desires, how they want something to work or what they want something to become. For instance, when I bought the Inner Bonding workbook by Margaret Paul, it was one of the most challenging and confronting workbooks I’d ever used. But it was overwhelmingly eye-opening and I discovered more about myself than I ever could on my own.

In my own workbook, The Rich Babe Business Planner, I wanted business owners not just to have a workbook to plan their business but an in-depth review of the kind of business owner they want to be and how they want to operate in the year ahead not just from an operational point of view but from the view of matching up their inner alignment to their business plan. You can do this in many different ways depending on your niche.

Types of Workbooks You Can Create:

  • Personal development workbook
  • Business planner
  • School or educational workbook
  • Writers workbook or journal
  • Learning a new language workbook
  • Branding workbook

How to Create a Workbook

  • Head over to Canva to create your workbook or purchase a Canva workbook template over at Creative Market
  • Enter all your information into your workbook
  • Save it as a PDF file
  • Upload it to SendOwl or Teachable
  • Sell it like crazy

Idea #3: Templates

Price Range: $7-$49

Personally, I think templates are a gold mine. Ever since I created B*tch Better Have Some Boundaries, it’s confirmed my suspicion. They are INCREDIBLY helpful to your customer and save them a HUGE amount of time. People who value their time will buy shortcuts as often as possible.

This is what I now do in business when I want to create something. A buy my time back by taking the shortcut and purchasing templates to help me get the job done faster. Like using these Canva Social Media Templates or these Canva Lead Magnet Templates by Bluchic, it enables me to get my work and my assistants work done significantly faster. Because who wants an inefficient business? Last time I checked, no one.

Types of Templates You Can Create:

  • Social media graphics (these sell like crazy)
  • Ebook and Workbook templates
  • Course or webinar slides
  • Done-for-you scripts
  • Fill-in-the-blank swipe copy
  • Email templates

How to Create Templates

  • Head over to Canva
  • Pick the type of template you want to create (i.e Instagram, ebook, lead magnet etc.)
  • Create! Use the different elements to create your own designs
  • Finished? Go to share and click ‘more’
  • Click ‘template link’ (this will give you the link you’ll need to send to purchasers who want to download your templates)
  • Create a separate PDF with the template link details on it so that when people purchase your templates, that’s the file they receive and then they can download the templates via the link in the PDF
  • Upload it to SendOwl or Teachable
  • Sell it to everyone

Idea #4: Spreadsheets

Price Range: $27-$49

So.. spreadsheets. I can’t format them to save my life, which is why I pay other people for their spreadsheet templates so I can do the things I need to do without throwing my laptop out the window.

If you think that people won’t pay much for spreadsheets, think again! During the pandemic Miss Excel took her hobby of making spreadsheets to TikTok to share simple tips on making excel spreadsheets, her videos went viral and with the help of some people she decided to turn that into a business and now she makes 6-figures A DAY from her courses and programs.

If you know how to format spreadsheets with all the formula thingys, my god SELL. THEM. NOW.

Types of Spreadsheets You Can Sell:

  • Calculators (for launches, affiliate programs, profit etc..)
  • Workflows (for recruitment, business processes, VA tasks)
  • Trackers (for income, stats, expenses)
  • Directories (for podcast shows, affiliate programs, guest posting blogs)
  • Bookkeeping and accounting

How to Create a Spreadsheet

  • Go to Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel
  • Concoct your formulas
  • Save the file
  • Upload it to Teachable
  • Sell it to all the spreadsheet illiterate folks like me

Idea #5: Email Course

Price Range: $27 – $97

People think email courses aren’t popular, but they’re a huge preference for many customers as it makes it so much easier to access your content. Rather than having to go to your login dashboard and find their program, they can just log on to their email (which they do most days anyway) and digest your content.

Saving your customer time will always win more points with them which is why I highly recommend you create an email course over a course first. That’s what The Soul-Led CEO was before it become a big hulking 6-week program. I’m currently enrolled in a creative writing program that is an email course where one lesson is delivered per week to my inbox. It makes it so much easier to digest the content as well as gives me time to do the writing assignments.

Other positive facts about email courses include that they have a higher perceived value to ebooks, workbooks and templates and can be sold for a higher price. Not to mention the fact that having an email course cuts down on your expenses and they’re also a fantastic way to test your course and whether you should turn it into a bigger course or leave it as is.

How to Create an Email Course:

  • Head to ConvertKit (or your email service provider)
  • Click the ‘Sequences’ button
  • Write your email course
  • Set the frequency emails should be delivered
  • Connect your sequence to ThriveCart to be automatically delivered once purchase is made
  • Sell your email course

And there you have it, 5 easy digital products you can create in a weekend. My challenge to you is this: Spend this weekend (or the next 48 hours) dedicated to creating one of the digital products mentioned above and get it up and selling. Why wait? What nonsense reason could you have to put off making money from your business today rather than later? I implore you to get going now, and then when you’re ready for strategies to sell your product, use my advice here.

P.S – Here are some extra resources you might like..

Elise McDowell