Tell it to me straight..

Does the idea of selling make you squirm?

Whether it’s the fear of coming off salesy and pushy or needy and greedy, this very fear stops a lot of business owners in their tracks from making the money they really want to be making.

It’s okay, I understand, I’ve well and truly been there. But know this..

You sell every day.

Maybe you don’t recognize it as selling because you’re simply sharing. But when you tell your bestie about the latest Seven Sisters book and she buys it, or you recommend your niece for a job at your local cafe and she gets it, or you share your lemon cheesecake recipe with your Grandmother and she makes it, that is selling.

Actually, that’s a successful transaction as an effect of your selling. 🙌

It’s the same when you convince your water-resistant child to shower in exchange for iPad time or you persuade your partner to go with your choice of tiles for the kitchen renovation because they’re better.

It’s. all. selling.

You sell (share) seamlessly every single day and you don’t even realize it. That is how natural and normal it is to sell. And when it comes to selling your own product, it should be no different. Because at the end of the day, you have to sell if you want a functioning and profitable business.

But you can set this up so you’re not always actively selling something, your systems are. That doesn’t mean you can hide from selling in your business for the rest of your life. It just means it allows you to start now rather than when you’re no longer scared.

So with saying that, I want to help you get started with selling in a non-salesy way to get you making money and used to selling.

Here’s 3 easy non-salesy sales tips you can implement today..

1. Use a “P.S” in your emails

Did you know that 90% of your subscribers read the P.S before the actual email? Oh you didn’t? Well now you know! The P.S is a fantastic non-invasive sales strategy that you might notice I use CONSTANTLY in all of my emails.

This isn’t just for funzies (do people still use that word?), this is straight sales smarts.

Try it out for a week where you place a P.S at the end of ALL your emails and sell something.

Action Step: Drop a P.S at the bottom of your newsletter emails offering one of your digital products (make sure it’s related to the email topic) and watch the sales notifications start to pop up. Use something like, “P.S – I’m running a 24 hours flash sale on XYZ, this is my [product type] that [benefit]. Click here to learn more about it.” Use any variation of that and play around with it. You’ll start to notice which types of words and phrases your audience resonates with best.

2. Upload a graphic in the footer of your emails

This is something I’ve seen Laura Belgray do in all of her emails for years, and it got me to buy one of her programs through it!

So I can guarantee this form of selling works. I’ve also done something similar in the past and it was effective, and super non-salesy. Heck, I may even add it back in since it was so effective! Watch this space. 😂

Action Step: Create a graphic in Canva like the one above (don’t copy it exactly, be creative) and add it to the bottom of every email you send linking it to the sales page of your digital product.

3. Add additional payment gateways

For the first two years of my business, I only took payment for my digital products through PayPal. I didn’t really know there were more ways to take payment. But when Stripe started rising in the ranks, I took some time to learn about it.

Even though PayPal is the most popular payment gateway in the world, not everyone does or can use the platform. PayPal is actually banned in some countries! I realized that I could be leaving quite a bit of money on the table, so I decided to experiment with Stripe over a week and can you guess what happened? I made over $700 extra in sales! I was sold and Stripe has been a happy member of the business for the last 4 years,

Action Step: Have a look at payment gateways you can add to your business, such as Stripe, PayPal, Amazon Pay, AliPay, etc and test them out for 30 days. It will take less than 5 minutes to implement and could open your business up to a whole new market!

How simple are those?

As you start to sell more, you’ll become more confident in what you’re selling and that dynamic will start to stack on top of itself.

At the end of the day it’s just sharing. You’re sharing a solution that will help solve someone’s problem. When you start to see selling like that, it will become much easier and natural.

The 6-Figure Society will show you exactly how to create 6-figures per year from selling your digital products with simple passive and launch strategies, if you want to learn more about it, head to the sales page to check it out. Enrolment closes March 31st!

Elise McDowell