Month: January 2018

  • How to Stop Feeling Scarcity Around Money

    How to Stop Feeling Scarcity Around Money

    Today we’re going to be talking about scarcity around money and more specifically, how to stop feeling that way so you can manifest more money into your life and business.  How to clear your money blocks, because you’re feeling scarcity about them. This is normal and pretty much every single person on the planet has […]


  • How to Use Social Media for Your Business

    Social media…. How the heck do we use it in our business? That’s what I’m tackling today! Okay so no doubt you’re using social media, or you’re wanting to use social media for your business but you’re trying to figure out where the hell to start or what to focus on. The truth is that […]


  • My Second Year in Business Review

    My Second Year in Business Review

    Brace yourselves. House of Brazen has just entered the terrible twos!!! 🙈🙉🙊 My little virtual baby has grown so fast and I’m feeling like a proud mama bear right now! I was going to do a video for this post but learned pretty quickly it would be about 4 hours long. So here I am writing […]