No doubt you have had those days when you’ve been crippled by content creation and you’ve felt completely uninspired and like you didn’t have anything new and interesting to say.

So today I’m gonna show you how you can create consistent content for your blog and videos so you never have to worry about content paralysis and having to coming up with new ideas every single week!

I used to feel like this all the time in my earlier blogging days, I’d go to sit down at my computer to write and I would draw a complete blank. And I’d sit there and feel like a complete failure. And then I’d go look around at other peoples blog posts for ideas and then I’d create a half-assed variation of something they’d written.

If this is you and you’re feeling like a complete failure I want you to know that THIS IS TOTALLY NORMAL. Everyone struggles with keeping up with content – including me! So please don’t feel too bad about it.

Instead what you can do is follow my three (life-saving) tips on how to create consistent content every week:


This is something I learned from Gary Vaynerchuk in the very early stages of House of Brazen and it has been my saving grace. Essentially what it means is that when you create content, you should be documenting something you’ve already done rather than trying to come up with an idea.

Things that actually happened, that you’ve tried, write about the past is so much easier than trying to reinvent the wheel or coming up with something original.

This works for any industry. If you’re a fashion blogger and you’re publishing an outfit post you could document your day while you were the outfit. If you’re an easy seller, you could document your creation process.

Here’s an example of how I would do it: So what am I doing right now? I’m filming a video for my weekly blog post, it will also go up onto youtube and be turned into an audio file for my podcast.

So from there my next video could be on how I batch my content because people want to know how to streamline the process and make it quicker for themselves. And because I use video to do it I could then do another video on How to Make Your Videos Engaging.

I know a lot of my readers don’t currently use video in their business so I could create another video on Why You Should Start Doing Video For Your Business, and because I’m trying to convince them to get into doing video, my next video could be How to Start A Youtube Channel!

And because I remember how scary that was for me in the beginning my next video could be on how to overcome your fear of being on camera. BOOM! That’s 5 weeks worth of content that I’ve just come up with from the top of my head, because it’s stuff I’ve already done, so now all I need to do is document the process and send it out to you!


You will more than likely have your readers and audience members reaching out to you and asking you questions. Those questions you should absolutely be creating content around.

Why? Because your actual readers want to know and it will help your sanity because you wont have to reply with the same answer to multiple emails, instead you can direct them to the post.

But what if your audience is small or you’re not getting those kinds of emails yet? You can find out in your comments sections on your blog and weed through the content there and find something you can talk about. If you have your own Facebook group that’s a great place to find out what your readers are wanting to know from you or what they’re talking about. You can go through the posts and create content from that.

If you don’t have your own group but you’re a member of related Facebook groups you could use those groups to find a plethora of content ideas for your business.

And another thing you could do is survey your audience. A lot of my earlier videos were created solely because my audience requested them through my annual survey. If you’d like to run a survey with your audience I have a free ‘Survey Questionnaire’ swipe file you can download.


If you’re anything like me, ideas and inspiration will come to you at the most inconvenient of times. Like when you’re in the shower, in a meeting or about to board a plane. But that’s how it happens sometimes and you need to be ready for when the inspiration comes because you gotta note it down or you WILL forget it!

This happened to me recently when I was on a flight from New York to Hawaii. The plane was descending down to Oahu and all of a sudden all of these ideas hit me like a bolt of lightning and I was remember thinking “Oh shit I can’t get my notebook because the seat belt sign is on! What the hell do I do!?” I had my phone with me so I opened up my notes app and poured everything out of my mind on onto my phone.

I came back to it a few days later and was able to plan weeks worth of content. Which is how this video came about! But if I didn’t get my phone and download the inspo, I probably would have lost 90% of the ideas for content. So make sure you’re carrying a notebook or your phone around!

So there you have it, those are my three life-saving ways to create consistent content every single day. Once you try them you’re gonna see how much EASIER it is to keep up with your own content and you’re gonna wonder why the hell you didn’t know about this earlier. 😝

Now it’s your turn. My question to you is do you struggle with creating content? And what is your content creation process?

Elise McDowell